Sweet. My essay from Alaska Quarterly Review WHAT ARE YOU? is listed as a Notable Essay in BEST AMERICAN ESSAYS 2019.

1. Found out my essay WHAT ARE YOU? published in Alaska Quarterly Review is listed as a Notable Essay in BEST AMERICAN ESSAYS 2019. Thank you editors and Alaska Quarterly Review ! Thank you Bonnie Nadzam! ❤️

1a. Immediately spilled a whole mug of tea on my nightstand bc life is a wild riiiiide. 🙃

👀 I wrote What Are You? abt shadow work...abt all kinds of crazy stuff ppl have said to me, abt growing up black in super-white spaces bc...whew it’s a LOT. I didn’t want to write it. I didn’t want to have to write it...but here we are...in America! 🇺🇸 I used to dream abt a mention in a book like this. I used to dream abt a lot of things. And I still do. And I will.✌🏾



“In a noisy, confusing world where so many people love to constantly scream their opinions as loudly and as quickly as they can on social media, I am drawn to longer works that take their time. Ideas and situations that give me room to think. Characters and plots that require my patience and pay off in real, satisfying ways. I don’t like to be shocked or surprised on every page when I’m reading. I don’t necessarily need a big twist or reveal to be entertained. Don’t get me wrong: I love a good story—I’m not defending the boring and pointless—but I will always believe there is treasure to be found in small, quiet moments. In the rambling half-asleep conversations right before bed. The hushed confessionals on the way home from the awkward dinner party. A silent glance between lifelong partners. The whisper. “

You can read my essay on Quiet Books over @ Poets & Writers!

The Glimmering Hush: A Revolution

I listened to “Just Like You” by Keb’ Mo’ over and over again the same way I did when I was working at a coffee shop when I was in college. Keb’ is singing, “I feel just like you and I cry just like you and I heal just like you and I break down just like you,” and I’m wondering if people would actually live their lives differently if they listened to that song every morning before they went out into the world or interacted with other people. The realist in me knows this is absolutely not true, but my heart, I don’t know, thinks maybe it could change the world or something. Even the smallest mercies matter, the revolutions in miniature.

In this penultimate installment of my Oxford American The By and By column, I write abt Donnie Darko and revolutions in miniature. Read it here!